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Fit für die Piste mit den Wahu Balance Boards

Fit for the slopes with the Wahu Balance Boards

Off to the slopes! The winter sports season 2023 is here and with the WahuBalance Boards you can not only prepare yourself optimally for surfing on the beaches of distant countries.

The "ski gymnastics" is the ideal pre-work-out for the next ski vacation. It reduces the risk of injury, lowers susceptibility to sore muscles and increases safety on the slopes.

During the training with the balance board not only the leg and trunk muscles are trained, which are strongly stressed during boarding, but also the reaction speed and the general sense of balance, which are essential to get down the mountain in one piece.

Wahu recommends 2 to 4 weeks before the planned winter vacation to train every day for about 20 minutes in order to prepare ideally. First, it is important to warm up well and start with light exercises. For the more experienced, winter training can also be combined with small challenges on the board: Push-ups, a standing balance on one leg, "curves" with the board or 360° turns on the hemisphere, bring the slope feeling into the living room.

The Wahu Balance Boards are available online at available.



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