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With a wobble board and a variety of balance board exercises you can train your balance wonderfully. If you are sometimes not quite sure which balance board exercises suit you and your individual needs, then you should definitely read on now. In the following article we would like to show you which balance board exercises are best suited for which type of boarder and which part of the body. This way, you can tailor your balance exercises even more specifically to certain body areas or problem zones, for example. Let's get started right away.

These balance board exercises are right for you:

If you search for "balance board exercises beginners," you'll usually find what you're looking for quickly. But are these results also the right balance board exercises for you? Often too much is assumed right at the beginning. We prefer to start slowly - and safely - with the balance board exercises. That's why we give every beginner the tip to first extensively dedicate themselves to balance. Most people hop on their board, wobble back and forth a bit and then think they're a balance pro. Far from it. The point is to build a solid foundation. That means in detail: Practice gaining your balance as quickly as possible, as controlled as possible, and as effectively as possible. Again and again and again. Until you can be put on your wobble board in your sleep, so to speak, in the craziest pose, and you balance yourself without any problems. Only then do we start with specific balance board exercises - and they work out much faster with this solid base. Try it out!

By the way, this is also how children should be introduced to balance board training. Balance exercises for children are the be-all and end-all in the beginning. Our tip: Make it easier for your child to get started with the wobbly balance board training on the cork roller with a balance board pad to prevent them from slipping too much. This can be, for example, a non-slip yoga mat on which the Balance Board roller is positioned. In our article "Balance Board kids.... early practice, who wants to become a master!" we go into more detail on the subject.

This is also a good reference for seniors. By the way, you can save searching for "exercises balance seniors": There are no special balance board exercises for seniors. Why should there be? Seniors and children can of course do the same balance board exercises as anyone else. It's just important that seniors in particular pay attention to the anti-slip mat when doing Balance Board exercises and practice their balance carefully, long and intensively before starting the "real" Balance Board exercises.

Balance Board exercises for different muscle groups

We have good news for you right from the start: You will train muscles with the Balance Board that you didn't even know existed until now. This is simply because on the wobble board the muscle groups are always activated in motion with each other. With balance boarding, you don't target individual muscles as you would with equipment training, but rather your entire musculoskeletal system. The resulting effect is, as expected, much more sustainable. And so you train not only your muscles, but also your coordination, your agility and your fitness in general. Let's take a look together at a few different balance board exercises and their effects:

Balance Board Exercises Back, Shoulders & Arms

The back is the sticking point for most. Tension and back pain are on the agenda for many and everyone is desperately trying to get rid of them. We present you an approach to fight back pain: Balance Board exercises. We would like to briefly introduce something in general. Even if you don't do balance board exercises that specifically target your back, you will train your back. Automatically. Because balancing on the wobble board, which you have to do for REALLY EVERY exercise, improves your posture. You tighten your abdomen while balancing - and a strong abdomen leads to a strong back. It's that simple. Of course, you can also help it along with special balance board exercises for your back, such as the "breaststroke." To do this, lie on your wobble board with your chest, pull your body straight and place your feet on the tips of your toes. Once you are balanced, you can begin to move your arms as you would in the breaststroke. Be careful not to wobble your body as you do this. Remember your basic tension, which you use to strengthen your core. Stretch your arms first over your head, then in a semi-circle over your side, and finally bring them to your hips. Always keep your eyes on the floor - this is the only way to keep your spine in a straight line throughout the exercise.

Other Balance Board exercises for the back, but especially for the shoulders and arms, are the Balance Board push-up and the forearm support. Both can be easily integrated into your daily training schedule - they belong to the effective basics among the Balance Board exercises. In the prone position, rest your elbows and forearms on the wobble board, place your feet on the tips of your toes and then push yourself upwards bit by bit with your arms. Attention: Make sure you keep your back straight and don't slip into a hunchback. Looks easy, but burns like hell in the upper arms, right? Then you've done everything right. By the way, you can find more balance board exercises in our wahu trick guide - take a look.

Balance Board exercises abdomen & pelvic floor

You want to train your abdomen or your pelvic floor? You're very welcome. Fortunately, you already do that with (almost) every exercise. But we like to add one more. We'll tell you right away how to do pelvic floor training and abdominal workouts with suitable exercises on the Balance Board. But before we start, we have a little tip for you. With all Balance Board exercises - as with many other sports - it is very helpful if you concentrate especially on your core. In Pilates, this center of the body is called the powerhouse. This area is activated before each exercise, so that you already have a high basic stability when you start the exercise. This allows you to perform your movements in a more controlled and precise manner. So consciously tense your pelvic floor first, then your abdomen and with it your back. Alternate between tension and relaxation. And don't forget to breathe! A good Balance Board exercise for the abdomen and pelvic floor is, for example, this one: Sit lengthwise on your wobble board and then extend both legs upward at an angle. It sounds easy, but it's a real challenge. Try to hold this position, of course without wiggling, for at least 15 seconds. Do you already feel your belly burning? Use this motivation and continue with the next exercise. For inspiration, check out our wahu trick guide, Facebook or Instagram.

Balance Board Exercises Legs & Butt

Your legs and butt are also trained automatically with most balance board exercises. Take for example the popular exercise "Low Leg Rise". You stand hip-width apart on your wobble board, balance yourself and then squat down - as wobble-free as possible. If you are in good shape, you now stretch one leg forward alternately. This is quite effective for the buttocks and thighs. Equally effective is the "Heel Ride". You also start this one hip-width apart on the board. Now shift your weight so that you are only standing on your heels. That's a good one, isn't it? While we're on the subject of legs, we have a quick tip for you. If you have knee problems, or maybe you've already had knee surgery, we don't recommend balance board exercises with a knee focus. For example, jumps or balance board exercises that require you to bend your knees frequently. You can of course test them out carefully, but as soon as you feel uncomfortable, you should better switch to other balance board exercises and tricks - there are plenty. Many more intense balance board exercises and tricks are waiting for you on Facebook or Instagram, for example - take a look.

Your balance board and you - an unbeatable team

Now we have talked a lot about muscles, balance board exercises, your training goal and other "serious stuff". But completely detached from the training effect, training progress and your individual training plan, exercising on balance boards is simply INCREDIBLE fun. That is important and right. And for that alone, it's worth getting to know this new trend sport. This fun boarding will change you overall. It will influence your posture, loosen you up overall, relax you and give you confidence. After a short time you will simply be more "supple" - physically and mentally. Pay attention to it.

Now all that's really important is that you find the right board for you - if you don't already have one. When buying a wobble board, there are of course a few things to consider. For example, your new wobble board should of course be made of a decent material. For us as wobble board lovers, there is really only one thing: wood. Our wahu balance boards, for example, are made of twelve layers of wood and a robust surface made of real wood veneer. We don't do this on a whim, but because it's the only way your wahu balance board can withstand the wackiest jumps. Apart from the material, the size and shape of your new wobble board are also important for your success in balance board exercises. After much testing and self-experimentation, we have found that an elongated wobble board, approximately 30 centimeters wide and 80 centimeters long, is best for both beginners and advanced users. Additionally, the bend and curvature need to be right. Two narrow tapered ends and a slight curvature on both long sides give a balance between secure footing and flexible trick possibilities.

Take a look at our many different wahu balance boards. Everyone will find the right design for ultimate board fun. Our wahu balance boards are available from casual Ocean Blue to noble Wooden Brown in great colors and also patterns. With the wahu Free Spirit DIY Wobble Board you can even get creative and create your very own design. If you are still unsure or maybe have a few questions, we are happy to offer you a consultation from a professional - free of charge, of course. You can reach us by phone, email or chat. Just tell us a bit about yourself and your expectations of the wobble board. Together we'll find the right board for you - and the right balance board exercises to go with it. We are looking forward to you and your story!


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